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Base class

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Base class Agent

To inherit from this class it's required to implement the action method

def action(self, board):
    # choose a column based in a given board
    return chosen_column # 0-6


  • name - str, required, name of the agent
  • description - str, required, description of the agent
  • kind - str, required, category of the agent
  • model_key - str, required for agents who uses neural network models
  • clock_management - bool, optional, default False (*)
    • flag that indicates whether or not the agent can manage a time limit game
  • require_nn_model - bool, optional, default False (*)
    • flag that indicates whether or not the agent needs a neural network model

(*) - only necessary in the app interface

Saving the data

You can easily save the data from all turns of the game using save all data will be saved separately in:

  • data_scenario - state of the board
  • data_action - taken action
  • data_reward - attributed reward
def action(self, board):
    choice = self.random_choice(board), choice)
    return choice


  • BadImplementation - some class didn't implemented the required method(s)

Clock management

If the game is time limited the update_clock will be called every turn and you will be able to manage the Timer (see Timer) in self.clock.

Using Neural Networks

To use neural network you need a Trainer which have to create and train a model for the agent.

The trained models are stored in the game/models/ folder. Example

  • MCTSNN - Monte Carlo Tree Search with Neural Network implementation - see documentation