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Trainers are responsable for create and train a neural network model to be used by an Agent.

Trainers only appear on the App Training Config Screen if there are a description file in json format, along with the trainer module inside the game/trainers/ directory. The description file should be named the same as the module file.

The trained models have to be stored on game/models/ folder, if not, the APP won't be able to detect it. Also the name of the trained model have to start with the Agent model_key defined on the Agent class.

Directory structure


JSON File example

    "name": "Name of the trainer",
    "short_description": "short description",
    "description": "full description"

APP Requirements

To work properly with the app the trainer must implement a function named start which will receive as argument a function log. The log function receive as argument a string which will be shown on the log screen in the app.

It's also required to implement the variables: - kwargs - dictionary, all kwargs informed by the user in the "Variables" on the Training Config Screen. - kill_training - boolean, flag setted to True when the user press the "Cancel" button on the Training Screen.


kwargs = None
kill_training = False

def start(log):
    log('Starting traning...')

    for kw, value in kwargs.items():
        if kw == 'quantity_games':
            quantity_games = eval(value)

    # ...

Trainer Example