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RunGame, player_two=None, first_player_randomized=True, time_limit=None, print_result_on_console=False, start=True, async=False)

Run matches of Connect Four (7x7)

This class uses Agents to take actions each turn and Timer to control the time_limit.


  • player_one - type or instance, optional, default None
    • Type or instance of any AgentBase object
    • If None the AgentRandom object will be assigned
  • player_two - same as player_one
  • first_player_randomized - bool, optional, default False
    • Defines if the first turn will be randomized or the player one will start the game
  • time_limit - int, optional, default None
    • Defines the limit of time each player have to play the match
    • None - Unlimited time
  • print_result_on_console - bool, optional, default False
    • Defines if in the end of the match the result will be printed on the console. Good for debug.
  • start - bool, optional, default True
    • If True the game will be started in the init or else you have to call start
  • async - bool, optional, default False
    • If True the game will be run asynchronously


  • GameStatus - Enum -> (running, winner, tie, timeout, killed, exception)
    • Example: RunGame.GameStatus.winner
  • BOARD_FORMAT - tuple, constant, value (7,7), define the board dimensions
  • MAX_TURNS_POSSIBLE - int, the maximum number of turns in a match
  • winner - AgentBase object
    • The Agent winner of the last match, if the is one.
  • status - GameStatus, check the example(2) bellow
    • None - New instance, not started yet
    • running - Game is running
    • winner - Last game ended with a winner
    • tie - Last game ended in a tie
    • timeout - In the last game one of the players left the time run out
    • killed - The game was stoped with the kill method
    • exception - Exception during the game execution


  • is_running - Return True if the game is currently running


  • InvalidColumn - raised when the agent return a column out of range or a column already fulfilled

Example 1

from import RunGame

Example 2

import time
from import RunGame
from import AgentSimulation

game = RunGame(player_one=AgentSimulation, async=True)
while game.is_running:

if game.status == game.GameStatus.tie:
    print('The game ended in a tie.')
elif game.status == game.GameStatus.winner:
elif etc...

UI implementation

To implement an User Interface you can override the events and implement the get_human_input


  • on_game_start - Triggered when the game starts
  • on_new_turn - Triggered when a new turn starts
  • on_end_turn - Triggered when the turn ends
  • on_game_end - Triggered when the game ends

User input

  • get_human_input - It's called by any AgentHuman in the match

UI Attributes

  • memory - list, register all turns data
    • Item: (player_id, current_board, column_choosed)
  • players - dict, two Agents one for each player
    • player one: id 1 - two: id -1
  • clock - dict, two clocks (Chronometer or Timer) one for each player
    • player one: id 1 - two: id -1

UI Example

See Game Screen - Board class

RunGame methods



Starts a new match



Stop the current match.

Force the game to stop and wait for the status confirmation.


get_human_input(player, board)

Event game start

To be overridden by an UI.

This method will be called by every AgentHuman present in the match, if the is one. This method should return the user input, the player column of choice.

If this method is not overridden, the AgentHuman won't work


  • player - AgentHuman, owner of the turn
  • board - current state of the board


User input, column of choice, as int 0-6



Event game start

To be overridden by an UI. Called in the beginning of a match.



Event game end

To be overridden by an UI. Called in the end of a match.


on_new_turn(player, clock)

Event new turn

To be overridden by an UI. Called in the beginning of each turn.


  • player - AgentBase object, owner of the turn
  • clock - Chronometer or Timer, clock of the owner of the turn



Event end turn

To be overridden by an UI. Called in the end of a turn.